THIRTY DAYS on Adderall for adult ADD!!!
Thirty ways my life has changed in 30 Days (after starting meds for ADD for the 1st time):
1. Plans are made and actually executed.
2. Waking up is fun.
3. Many old environments look brand-new to me.
4. I can listen and not interrupt (most of the time).
5. My head (on the inside) is alot quieter.
6. I can do just one thing at a time.
7. Much less negative self-talk.
8. As much as I control days are going according to plan.
9. Unexpected "stuff" still occurs and it can be handled.
10. Everything about my world - as I know it - is less "foggy" getting lasik surgery on life.
11. My creativity - which I have always treasured - still seems intact.
12. Many phsical activities are even more enjoyable.
13. I may be an even bettter parent/friend/lover.
14. Have been able to eat the way I know I need to - for energy & avoid food allergy items.
15. Less impulsive.
16. Don't need to fidget as much.
17. Have done normal things - like sit still for a whole movie - that I always wanted to do.
18. Am able to follow instructions.
19. I have already learned more about several subject matters.
20. Can stay in one physical environment for longer periods of time, without losing it.
21. Am learning several new skills.
22. Don't play the "what-if" game as much.
23. Now understand that almost EVERYTHING takes way longer than I thought it should..and that is OK.
24. Much less hard on myself.
25. Much less hard on those around me.
26. Much more understanding & patient.
27. Am learning to dream dreams that really can come true.
28. Limitations do exist...& I don't spend energy fighting that.
29. My world seems a much more manageable place.
30. I am grateful every day to have experienced these changes!
I wonder what is next on my horizons?!
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